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Buy avodart in uk and you will get the same results. Also you may want to read up on how find where you are buying from, as this is very different depending on the company with whom you buy and the location. There is also a thread about this on my fellow forum. I've been using Vodart for this a few years now, and have found it to get the job done. I drugstore shipping also use the same vodart with results, so you can't go wrong. Here are the links to products that I use and the results that I've gotten with them: - https://www.vodart.co.uk/ Hope this helps in your quest to find perfect vodart. Good luck! Edit: I'm a few days late. I've had my first child on the 21st and I was having a bit of cry. I'm back now, so I figured I'd post my results to help you guys out as well. I hope you find your perfe